Monday 5 January 2009

Boxing day paddling

Christmas had taken it's toll on a few of my regular paddling friends. Alistair had the flu, Jake was out in Africa and everyone else was paddling harder stuff. I don't feel the most confident lately while paddling. I don't mind grade 3 ish but I'd like to be able to consistantly paddle grade 4. I have a plan which will come out in time to push towards regular grade 4 paddling. Lets wait and see.
Any how back to Boxing Day.

It was bloody freezing. Myself, Andy,Wee billy and Sean were out on the Riverside to Rugby club section of the River Doon near Ayr. The Doon is a great little river for learning on. It's a big fishing river so is managed to a degree by local fishermen, They put large rocks and gabbion baskets in the main flow to assist the Salmon on their quest up river. These works by the fishermen make the Doon a good learning river for new paddlers as there are easy eddy lines and some small drops and weirs to navigate. It's does not have anything hard on it thats why it's good for new paddlers.
Andy,Billy,Sean and I were out on Boxing Day to blow away the xmas excesses. It was good just to be on the river. There were no mishaps just good craic. I forced the other 3 to eddy out and into the flow of the river which was low. Good excercises for when the water gets higher.
All too soon we were nearing the Rugby club and take out.
An easy day on an easier river.

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